
The Room Access Control feature allows you to control the visibility of rooms based on a user's Department membership.

When viewing the Bookings page, Teacher-level users will only be able to see and create bookings in rooms that they are granted access to via this feature.

You can set a room to be visible to either any logged-in user, or to one or more Departments.

When you add a new room, an access control entry will be created automatically which allows Any logged-in user to view it, which is the default classroombookings behaviour.

When restricting access to one or more departments, you will also need to remove the entry for Any logged-in user, to ensure that only those users in the selected departments can see the room.

If you have a lot of rooms or departments, you can use the Filter section to show just the entries you want to view.

In the future, the access control feature will be expanded to allow the choice of individual users, groups, and to grant permissions other than 'View'.

Add an entry

Click the Add entry link to show the form.

Select a room from the list, and then specify who you want to be able to access it. If you select 'Department', the list of Departments will be displayed.

If you want to grant access to more than one department, you will need to add one entry at a time.

Remove an entry

Click the red X button next to the entry you want to remove.