classroombookings is an open-source web application, published under the AGPL license.
To run it successfully, you will need a web server capable of running PHP and a MySQL database. For detailed requirements and installation instructions, please read the documentation.
You can also try the demo to get a feel for how it works, or browse the source code on GitHub.
classroombookings is made available to you under the open-source Affero General Public License (AGPLv3). This means you are free to download, run and change the software as you choose. However, if you do modify the software, you must make the source code available (also under the AGPLv3 license) to users who interact with it over a network, so the whole community can benefit.
Take the hassle out of self-hosting by using the classroombookings cloud service. You will get access to new features before they are made available for self-hosting, and you won't need to worry about keeping another server online, secure and up to date.